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Below is a list of the dogs that are full and half siblings to Mallard Brake Pale Rider QAA. This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.
FULL Siblings of Mallard Brake Pale Rider QAA
Caseys Candy Cane QAA
Hidden Bay Independence QAA
OFA Hips: LR-106241G42F-T
OFA Elbow: LR-EL11603F42-T

HALF Siblings by sire
FC AFC Hawkeye's Candlewood Casey
AFC Aggie's Special Edition
Armagh's Wild Irish Rose
Dws Snoop Do Triple G
Eichhorn's Brought By Storm SH
OFA Hips: LR-132062G24F-PI
OFA Elbow: OFEL25
Hardline Cobra Jet **
OFA Hips: LR-144502G24F-PI (Good)
OFA Elbow: LR-EL23726F24-PI (Normal)
Hardline's Robbins Red Ruby MH MNH5
OFA Hips: OFA31G
EIC: Clear
GRHRCH UH Harley's Tanks A Lot Casey ***
OFA Hips: OFA63G
Hawkeye's Call Me Kate
Hi-Water Bella Girl
FC/AFC Hidden Bay's BMW
OFA Hips: OFA27G - (GOOD)
Lady Lexus IX **
OFA Hips: LR-98233G32F-T (Good)
Maggie's Pw Bayou Express
Mn-tex Louisiana Purchase
Nebos Polished Amber MH
Prairie Wind Dakota Duke
AFC Prairie Wind Hawkeye
Prairie Winds Dakota Abby
Racee Lacee MH
OFA Hips: OFA32G
OFA Elbow: OFEL32
Romeo's Kin Cade
Slone's Hi-water's Sir Barkley JH
Troublesome Dandy MH
OFA Hips: LR-76609G25F (GOOD)
Watermark's All Wrapped Up
OFA Hips: OFA24E
FC AFC Watermark's Hidden-Bay Trapper
OFA Hips: OFA24G
GRHRCH Willow Pond's Jake Be Good
HALF Siblings out of Dam
Ginny's Annie Jemima MH QAA
Captns Buddy By Annie Jemima
Lucyana's King Fish QAA
OFA Hips: LR-60984E24M

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