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Below is a list of the dogs that are full and half siblings to FC AFC Trailcreek Blue's Dacey . This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.
FULL Siblings of FC AFC Trailcreek Blue's Dacey
No full littermates in database  

HALF Siblings by sire
FC AFC GMHR Cedar Valley's Hi-Bird Turk MH
Barn Ridge Sammie
Belle Pepper IX
Big River Cindy
OFA Hips: LR-79919E
Blackwatch Lulu M MH
Buckshot's Carolina Moonshine JH
Candlewood's Fantaztic Taz
OFA Hips: LR-82884G24F
OFA Elbow: LR-EL5452F24
Candlewoods TNT
Cedar Valley's Black Pepper
OFA Hips: OFA43G
Chelstar's Black Tornado
Fly-by Turk SH
Happy Go Lucky Dancer JH
OFA Hips: OFA24E
Hi-test Tess
Indy Brat Buckshot
WR Ironweed Indigo Gromet MH CGC WC WCX
WR Ironweeds Indigo Gromet MH CGC WC WCX
OFA Hips: LR-112156G30F-PI (GOOD)
Keefah's Turk Majestic Maggie
Kenai We Never Knew
Landover's A Lotta T'nt
Maggi Blkwatch Of South Oaks
GMHR-WR Moon River's K C Desperado
OFA Hips: LR-52789G24M(GOOD)
Moon River's Ramblin Rose
OFA Hips: OFA24G
Moon River's Shohola Kate
FC AFC Morgan Le Fae Of Buckshot
OFA Hips: LR-108148G59F-T (Good)
Morgan Marsh's Spicy Morgan
Ottercreeks Illusion MH
Ridgeway Joe Friday MH
Sunbeam IV MH
OFA Hips: LR-105132G40M-T (GOOD)
Treadwater's Tenacious Tess
HRCH Wingmaster Turk's Diggerdawg MH
OFA Hips: LR-47175G24M-GOOD
HALF Siblings out of Dam
GMHR Beavercrest Stukagin Blue
AFC CFC CAFC Chugach Hills Jazz's Rascal
OFA Hips: LR-44760G25M (GOOD)
OFA Elbow: LR-EL5245
My Candy Dandy Of Northwillow
OFA Hips: OFA26G
OFA Elbow: OFEL26

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