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Hunting lab pedigree
Search/Add Dog(full or part Registered Name - WITHOUT Titles) Breed: Labrador Ret.


Below is a list of the dogs that are full and half siblings to Montgomery's Rise 'N Shine . This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.
FULL Siblings of Montgomery's Rise 'N Shine
Montgomery's Twinbranch Kyrie
Popular Ridge Culture Shcok

HALF Siblings by sire
FC AFC J K's Creekside Hey Paco
4XGMPR HRCH Bar None's Snake River Otter MH QAA (APLA Hall of Fame)
OFA Hips: LR-106617G27M
Blondie Of The Bamboo
Cold Brook Hockey Puck Jr
AFC Creekside's Moses Malone
OFA Hips: LR-100831G26M (Good)
Cuauhtemoc's Zuni Rocket
Double Knob Dara
Grasse's Southern Bell
Hardlabor's Maximum Security MH
HR Honey Creek's Razzle Dazzle
OFA Hips: LR-110932G24M-NOPI
OFA Elbow: LR-EL12051M24-NOPI
HRCH Jasmine Black As Night MH
OFA Hips: LR-81743G24F-T (Good)
EYE CERF/CAER: LR-18781 (Normal)
Jk's Creekside Hey Paco Tip JH
FC JK's Creekside Top Paws Pepe
OFA Hips: LR-92189E33M (Excellent)
Junge's Molly Brown
Little River's Hey Hillbilly
Mj's Tatum Hey Paco Houston
Paco's Natchez Trace
Paco's Rusti Rouge
Paco's Super Trooper
Paco's Timberlake Brandi Chaser
OFA Hips: OFA47E
Pacos Timberlake Black Talon
Reno's Golden Nuggett III
Riverbears Hi Marks
Rivervears Hi Marks
HALF Siblings out of Dam
Montgomery's Chelsey
Knob Creek's Ellie Mae MH
OFA Hips: LR-107000G30F

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