Created for you by

Krysshamn's Novaja

Gender: Female
Color: UNKN
Whelp Date: 0/0/0000
Date of Death: 0/0/0


Krysshamn's Novaja DK UCH NORD UCH INT UCH SE JCH Nattens Yellon ( UNKN )
Sandylands Soloman ( BLK )
SH CH Sandylands Sam ( BLK )
Sandylands Annabel ( BLK )
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH SE JCH Vestvollens Petra ( BLK )
NORD UCH INT UCH SE JCH Knalles Othello ( BLK )
NORD UCH Lissi ( YLW )
Kamrats Lou-lou ( UNKN )
Kamrats Bonzo Li ( UNKN )
INT.NORDIC CH. Kamrats Spader ( BLK )
Cookridge Lorna ( UNKN )
Kamrats Linda ( UNKN )
SE UCH FI UCH INT UCH Guildown Aussie ( UNKN )
Foxbrae Matilda ( UNKN )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree