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Remedy's Shannon Acres Cane

Gender: Male
Color: YLW
Whelp Date: 11/22/2001
Date of Death: 0/0/0

OFA Hips: LR-139727E26M-PI
AKC reg: SN88171704
AKC DNA: V323723


Remedy's Shannon Acres Cane BISS Am.Can.CH. Boradors Alligator Shoes JH ( YLW )
Borador's Wingmaster Erni-K ( YLW )
Wingmstr's Just Another Fella ( YLW )
Borador's Grindle Goodwitch ( YLW )
Borador's Sequined Slippers ( YLW )
AM CAN MEX WORLD CH Autumn's Thunder Visions CD JH WCX ( YLW )
Boradors Valentine Katie ( YLW )
Remedy's O'my Darlin Clemetine ( YLW )
AM/CAN CH Heatherwood's Sunrise Echo ( YLW )
CH Moorwood Drake Of Highpointe CD ( BLK )
CH Applegates Sunshine Delight ( YLW )
Remedy's Vivat Regina ( YLW )
CH ptd Rocheby Straw Boater ( YLW )
Remedy's Goddess Of The Hunt ( YLW )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree