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HR Thunder Myst Monsoon, MH, WCX

Callname: Raine
Gender: Female
Color: BLK
coat Genotype: Black - Hidden Yellow - EeBB
Whelp Date: 6/6/2001
Date of Death: 0/0/0
Owner: Steve & Betsy Bernock
Breeder: Steve & Betsy Bernock
OFA Hips: LR-134274G24F-NOPI
Eye CERF/CAER: Yearly
OFA Elbow: LR-EL19650F24-NOPI
UKC Reg: R191-147
AKC reg: SN837640/04


HR Thunder Myst Monsoon, MH, WCX HR Riverrocks Rush The Passer SH, WCX ( BLK )
2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac ( BLK )
1987 CNFC 1992 CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech ( YLW )
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QAA ( BLK )
FC CFC Canterbury's Bet On Black ( BLK )
FC AFC Black Gold's Kates Rascal ( YLW )
SHR Candlewoods Canterbury Cando ( BLK )
Thunder Myst Raging Storm RA ( BLK )
FC AFC Dare to Dream ( BLK )
FC-AFC Wilderness Harley To Go (2003 Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
FC-AFC Fishtrap Aggie ( BLK )
Basil Eden Pinky Westwood ( BLK )
FC AFC Cookies' Spot'Em Now ( BLK )
Lacey Of Woodwinds ( BLK )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree