Created for you by

Sweet Sadie Womack

Gender: Unknown
Color: UNKN
Whelp Date: 00/00/0000
Date of Death: 0/0/0


Sweet Sadie Womack Von Werdenbergs Killer Jagr ( UNKN )
Bo Jackson ( UNKN )
Duke Of Dunaguns Hill ( UNKN )
Yaya Of Dunaguns Hill ( UNKN )
Shadow Black Of The Night ( BLK )
Mocha's Chocolate Boy ( UNKN )
Stenbergs Heavenly Sunshine ( UNKN )
Kaiserina Gerta Von Werdenberg ( UNKN )
General Rebel Lee VI ( CHOC )
Kellogg's Sd King James Pt ( UNKN )
Jj Little Red James ( UNKN )
Tsarina Sabrina Manz ( CHOC )
Prince Yeller Buerge ( YLW )
No-no Mo-mo ( YLW )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree