Created for you by

Jbee N Surreal Life Of Riley

Callname: Riley
Gender: Male
Color: BLK
coat Genotype: Black - Hidden Yellow - EeBB
Whelp Date: 1/16/2014
Date of Death: 0/0/0

CKC: BA546526


Jbee N Surreal Life Of Riley MBISS GCHB Laurglen Ardent Rogue At Hyspire JH RA CD TKN CGC ( BLK )
BISS GCH CH Sureshot Hyspire Impressive WC ( BLK )
BISS AM/CAN CH. Windfall's Pipe Major ( BLK )
BISS CH. JanRod Tammy WhyNot ( YLW )
BISS CH. Ghoststone's Woodland Gossip ( BLK )
CH Lor-al's Chuck Waggin ( BLK )
CH Hyspire Ghoststone's Gloria JH ( BLK )
CH Jbee Grace Little Miss Lyrical RN CGN ( YLW )
CH Everwood For You Bernfield ( UNKN )
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Lobuff Hyspire Lasting Impression CGN ( BLK )
CH Eagertrieves She's The One ( YLW )
Jbee Bell's Amazing Grace ( BLK )
BISS BIS OTCH CH Camalire Driftway Wallaby MH WCX ( BLK )
Geejaylee Jbee's Crystal Bell ( UNKN )

Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree