Created for you by

Diesel Funderburk

Gender: Unknown
Color: UNKN
Whelp Date: 00/00/0000
Date of Death: 0/0/0


Diesel Funderburk Windancing Brutus Of Parks Place ( UNKN )
Windancing's Zhivago ( CHOC )
Keepsake Starbuck ( CHOC )
Windancing's Dark-eyed Damsel ( BLK )
Koket Creeks Reinkarnation ( YLW )
Windancing's Hired Hand ( CHOC )
Zimmerman's Daisy ( UNKN )
Samuels Sweet Black Taffy ( UNKN )
Windancing's Majestic Marley Of Parks Place ( YLW )
Windancing's Fire Walker ( YLW )
Windancing's Terra Cotta ( YLW )
Parks Koo Koo For Cocoa Puffs ( UNKN )
Dixieland's Redman Bubba Down South ( YLW )
Parks Nutty Baby Ruth ( CHOC )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree