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Parks Fudge Royal

Gender: Unknown
Color: UNKN
Whelp Date: 00/00/0000
Date of Death: 0/0/0


Parks Fudge Royal Jack Jackson Ii ( UNKN )
Hooch Hodge ( UNKN )
Berts Hershey Bar ( CHOC )
Angel Ann Corpening ( UNKN )
Crimson Iii ( UNKN )
Licorice Andretti Dean ( UNKN )
Pepper Blacka Harris ( UNKN )
Golden Jill Iii ( UNKN )
Lady Anne's Boulder ( UNKN )
Sir Beaureguard Perryman ( UNKN )
Katie Ross ( UNKN )
Onyx Mckenzie ( UNKN )
Dutchmans Top Gun MH ( BLK )
Catawba Creek Jazz ( UNKN )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree