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Sok Loose As A Goose Lucy

Callname: Lucy
Gender: Female
Color: BLK
coat Genotype: Black - Hidden Yellow - EeBB
Whelp Date: 0/0/0000
Date of Death: 0/0/0
Owner: Joey Dilodovico
Breeder: Barton Ramsey
OFA Hips: Excellent
OFA Elbow: Normal
AKC reg: SS21532401


Sok Loose As A Goose Lucy HRCH Lettergreen Bowled Over ( YLW )
Int. FTCH Tweedshot Trimble Of Lettergreen ( YLW )
NORD JCH FTW Tasco Brimstone ( YLW )
OFTW Tweedshot Mango ( YLW )
FTAW Benraw Bess ( YLW )
FTch Rumbleton Quicksilver ( YLW )
Rivendale Ruby ( BLK )
Quarrypool Miranda ( UNKN )
Int Ftch Waysgreen Apollo ( BLK )
Ftch Dipplelodge Raven Of Riversway ( UNKN )
Waterford Faustina FTW ( BLK )
FTCH Quarrypool Ainey ( BLK )
IRCH FTCH Myreton Diablo Of Glenloch ( BLK )
Kenmilfore Becca ( BLK )

Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree