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HRCH UH FR's Ride The Drummond MH

Callname: Brimson
Gender: Male
Color: BLK
coat Genotype: Black - Hidden Yellow - EeBB
Whelp Date: 6/29/2015
Date of Death: 0/0/0
Owner: Aaron & Kristen Lee
Breeder: FR Labs - Casey & Jessica Dowler

OFA Hips: LR-234302E35M-VPI (Excellent)
OFA Elbow: LR-EL84466M35-VPI (Normal)
UKC Reg: R255372
AKC reg: SR88306001


HRCH UH FR's Ride The Drummond MH HRCH UHCH FR's Slick Willy Wally MH ( BLK )
GRHRCH UH Boomer's Jager Meister ( BLK )
SRSC 9xGRHRCH Barkley's Yankee Thunder MH ( BLK )
GRHRCH Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds VI ( BLK )
HRCH UH Samson's Suprise Poison Ivy MH ( BLK )
GRHRCH UH Run-N-Gun's Samson MH ( YLW )
HRCH Mac's Surprise Breez ( BLK )
HRCH UH FR's Elegant Grace ( YLW )
FC-AFC Crow Rivers Cougar's Mad Max ( YLW )
FC AFC MHR Crow Rivers Malarky's Cougar MH ( YLW )
AFC Tahoe's Mally Malarky ( YLW )
Sunsets Just Do It QAA ( BLK )
FC AFC Fordland's Bored Out Ford (2011 Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Running W's Premium Saltine JH ( BLK )
Provided to you by Hunting Lab Pedigree