Mrs. Gwen Broadley owned and bred top class Labradors for over sixty-five years. Her Sandylands prefix is the most successful prefix in the history of the show Labrador. Within Great Britain, Sandylands has no equal, indeed it does not have a close rival. Many good dogs have been exported from Sandylands and dogs carrying the prefix have taken their championships throughout the main countries of the Labrador world, and they continue to do so.
The foundations were Juno of Sandylands and Ch. Jerry of Sandylands. Jerry was born in June of 1929. The 1930?s were an especially productive era for the Labrador in Britain. Countess Howe was at the height of her powers and her dogs dominated the show ring and the trials. It was not easy for a novice to break into the scene and Jerry took five years to complete his title. Pre-war, there were three Sandylands title holders, Jerry, June and Janice of Sandylands. Some of the early ?J? breeding were exported to the United States of America. In the Complete Labrador Retriever, Helen Warwick recalls that Mrs. Mariel King of the Kingswere kennel brought in Jewel of Sandylands and her litter sister Jean of Sandylands ? both were grand-daughters of Jerry in the middle of the 1930?s. Jean was the dam of Field Ch. The Spider of Kingswere, who was a wonderful producer for them.
------------- This article was written by Mr. Richard Edwards and amended and approved by Mrs. Gwen Broadley. It appeared in the premier issue of the ILD (International Labrador Digest) |