Birdie is extremely intelligent and high drive dog, she is a little ball of fire weighing in at 45 lbs. she is very fast, agile and stylish . She is 100% amateur trained and handled. She picks up on training and new concepts very well. She is a pinpoint marker. In home she has a nice off switch and a is a joy to be around, excellent with kids. She has tons of stamina and a nice natural quarter and pheasant hunts in the fall.
**Check health clearances of this dog:
OFA Website (opens in new window & based on
correct spelling of Dog's name)***
The Kennel Club / BVA- British Clearances
Double Bs Hot On The Trail SH
AFC Drakes Bay's Home Run Hitter ( YLW ) Hips: LR-208800G27M-VPI (Good) Elbows: LR-EL63094M27-VPI (Normal) Eyes: LR-EYE229/10M-VPI (Normal) CNM: (CLEAR by parentage) EIC: (CLEAR)
'11 NAFC FC AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ( BLK ) Hips: LR-159258G4M-PI (Good) Elbows: LR-EL30615M24-PI (Normal) Eyes: LR-52237 (Normal) CNM: (CLEAR-PIV) EIC: LR-EIC462/53M-VPI (CLEAR)