OFA Hips: LR-265848G24F-C-NOPI GOOD Eye CERF/CAER: LR-EL113396F24-C-NOPI NORMAL OFA Elbow: LR-EL113396F24-C-NOPI NORMAL CNM: (Clear) VIA ORIVET 179642 EIC: (Clear) VIA ORIVET 179642 AKC reg: SS24063901 AKC DNA: (Clear) VIA ORIVET 179642 PRA: (Clear) VIA ORIVET 179642 OSD: (Clear) VIA ORIVET 179642 Cardiac: (OFA) Normal Thyroid: (Clear) VIA ORIVET179642 Other Health Certifications: ADVANCED CARDIAC (NORMAl) 19 Panel Orivet Genetic Diseases DNA test clear all.
**Check health clearances of this dog:
OFA Website (opens in new window & based on
correct spelling of Dog's name)***
The Kennel Club / BVA- British Clearances