Harley is a 55lb black female Labrador Retriever out of Plum Creek Retrievers (Andrew Schlueter) in Nebraska. In the field she has the drive and determination that I needed for my guiding business, she had well over 750 retrieves each season for the past 3 seasons. She has retrieved everything from Greenwing Teal to swans, and her small build makes her the perfect boat dog. Her high drive is compensated by her willingness to please and receive praise.
In the home she is a delight and pleasure to have in the house, she’s as comfortable laying in your lap as she is in the blind. She is that “once in a lifetime” dog and the reason we decided to breed her. She currently has her Hunting Retriever (HR) and Junior Hunter (JH) titles with 2 Master passes and 1 Finished pass.
She was trained by Bill Schaefer of High Desert Retrievers who also owns the stud. You may contact him for any questions about her or Yotie.
**Check health clearances of this dog:
OFA Website (opens in new window & based on
correct spelling of Dog's name)***
The Kennel Club / BVA- British Clearances
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