Favor is a very stylish and athletic 75lb dog. He is very much a team player and runs blinds as hard as he does marks. Favor is an extremely consistent dog going 4/5 in HRC Grands and has passed 50 out of 50 HRC weekend tests. He is an exceptional marking dog and has run over 60 HRC and Master tests (including 5 Grands) and has only handled on 3 marks in his entire career. During hunting season, Favor works as my guide dog and hunts 50+ days a season retrieving upwards of 1000 birds a season. He is also a house dog/family dog with a great off switch and excellent temperament with all people and other dogs.
**Check health clearances of this dog:
OFA Website (opens in new window & based on
correct spelling of Dog's name)***
The Kennel Club / BVA- British Clearances Paw Print Pedigrees(opens in new window & search based Registration #) ***
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