Below is a list of the dogs that are offspring of Nealcrest Happy Hour MH QAA. This
may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based
on the information users enter.
Prairie Creek’s Ocean’s Under The Moon MH
OFA Hips: LR-251580G51F-VPI Good CNM: PawPrint Genetics - Clear EIC: PawPrint Genetics - Clear Sire: Esprit's Out Of The Woods QAA NDL
Jetta's Red White And Blue SH
OFA Hips: LR-252727G40F-VPI EYE CERF/CAER: LR-EYE23625/39F-VPI OFA Elbow: LR-EL101181F40-VPI CNM: 167713-PPG EIC: 167713 - PPG OFA DLOCUS: Clear
Tigress Of The Woods
OFA Hips: EXCELLENT LR-255547E44F-PI EYE CERF/CAER: NORMAL LR-EYE22912/45F-VPI CNM: clear by parents EIC: VetGen tested clear Sire: FC In The Hunt's Blazing Saddles