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Hunting lab pedigree
Search/Add Dog(full or part Registered Name - WITHOUT Titles) Breed: Labrador Ret.


Below is a list of the dogs that are offspring of AM CAN CH Davoeg Silky Beau . This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.


Total number of Titled dogs: 12
DAM: Am CH Allegheny's Cameo DAM: Broyhill Irish Creme DAM: CAN CH Cedarwood's Annie Oakley DAM: CH Cedarwood's Lab-Ark Fanfare DAM: AM CAN CH Cedarwood's Standing Ovation DAM: DAVOEG BROWN BETTY DAM: Davoeg Raven Beauty DAM: CH Fernwood's Disco Page DAM: CH Finchingfield Emma DAM: Flaxenfield Calcutta Katie DAM: CH Flaxenfields Shanghai Lil DAM: Folklaur Luna DAM: Ch Hawkett's Lochan Ora DAM: CH Hawkett's Lochan Ora DAM: Holly Lane Sheila's Donder DAM: Lahar Honeysuckle Sadie DAM: LIBERTY'S BREE ZEN BY CDX SH DAM: CH Northwood Skye's The Limit DAM: Sailin Cedarwood Pride DAM: Sailin's Cedarwood Pride DAM: CH Sailin's Received Our Boo-tee DAM: Sandcrest Sailin Scat Kat DAM: Simerdown's Sadona Lace CD DAM: Simmerdown Sunshine Tarra DAM: Spenrock Sapwith Pup DAM: Tabatha's Feather At Linray DAM: CH Tabatha's Sparkler WC

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