Below is a list of the dogs that are offspring of Kd's Atta Girl . This
may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based
on the information users enter.
Offspring of KD'S ATTA GIRL :
Total number of Titled dogs: 2
Sire: FC AFC Esprit The Price Is Right
Leatherwood’s Omg Here We Go Again SH
OFA Hips: LR-191801E34F-NOPI (EXCELLENT) EYE CERF/CAER: LR-EYE7508/86F-VPI (Normal) OFA Elbow: LR-EL50288F34-NOPI (Normal) CNM: CLEAR (DDC Case# 29350) EIC: CARRIER (DDC Case# 29351)
FC AFC Stellar's Full Throttle MH***
OFA Hips: LR-178571E37F-VIP (Excellent) EYE CERF/CAER: LR-EYE41515F37 (Normal) OFA Elbow: LR-EL41515F37 (Normal) CNM: LR-CNM08-873-F-PIV (Clear) EIC: LR-EIC1767/34F-VIP (Clear)