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Below is a list of the dogs that are offspring of 1961 & 1963 NFC AFC 1964 CNFC Del-Tone Colvin (1993 Hall of Fame). This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.

Offspring of 1961 & 1963 NFC AFC 1964 CNFC DEL-TONE COLVIN (1993 HALL OF FAME):

Total number of Titled dogs: 6
DAM: Beavercrest's Shore Leave DAM: Black Belle Of Mylia (MYLLA) DAM: Bridget Sue Of Mercer DAM: Cloe Of Endo Trail DAM: FALLWOOD's LUCKY LADY DAM: Glengarven's Black Bess DAM: Ironwood Tinker Belle DAM: Ja Dar's Miss Kim DAM: LADY ROXANNE OF MULDOON DAM: Little Dollface Of Audlon DAM: Mueller's Scout DAM: Oma's Sassy DAM: Paha Sapa Wacincala DAM: PAHA SAPA WI DAM: Philip's Midnight DAM: SHADY HAVEN FARM JET DAM: FC AFC TAM-O'-SHANTER OF CRAIGNOOK DAM: Valgaard Black Diamond DAM: CFC Virginia Lady DAM: Whygin Gretchen Blackbird

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