Below is a list of the dogs that are offspring of CH Wiscoys Tony . This
may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based
on the information users enter.
Offspring of CH WISCOYS TONY :
Total number of Titled dogs: 1
DAM: Iron Hill's Servant Of God
Iron Hill's Sweetness At Rocky Flats
OFA Hips: LR-261176E27M-C-VPI OFA Elbow: LR-EL109057M27-C-VPI CNM: Normal EIC: Normal
DAM: Oaksill Crimson N Clover
GCH CH JRL's Golden Boy At Union Hill
OFA Hips: LR-237592E24M-VPI EYE CERF/CAER: LR-EYE14002/29M-VPI OFA Elbow: LR-EL87342M24-VPI CNM: LR-CNM1938/7M-VPI EIC: LR-EIC4417/7M-VPI-CAR