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Hunting lab pedigree
Search/Add Dog(full or part Registered Name - WITHOUT Titles) Breed: Labrador Ret.


Below is a list of the dogs that are offspring of 1997 NFC-AFC Lucyana's Fast Willie (2001 Hall of Fame). This may not be a complete list, because HUNTINGLABPEDIGREE database is based on the information users enter.


Total number of Titled dogs: 37
DAM: Abbey's Wilderness Annie DAM: Apache's Morning Star MH DAM: Aqualicious Nike DAM: AFC Bams Liberty Belle MH DAM: HRCH Bayou Meto Katy MH DAM: Black River Kate DAM: HRCH Cross Creek's Mad Madina SH DAM: GHRCH Cypress Creek Tanker Belle DAM: Dixie Celtic Gold DAM: Donnybrook's Honcho's Babe MH MNH DAM: Ginny's Annie Jemima MH QAA DAM: Gunclub's Golly Miss Molly DAM: Honey Girl Of Beja MH DAM: Jerry's Rudy Tudy DAM: La Luna-Double Or Nothin' SH DAM: Lacey Of Woodwinds DAM: Lady Talbot SH DAM: Marbils Twice The Dice DAM: Marks-A-Lot's Bitz Of Fitz MH DAM: HRCH Middle Creek's K C MH DAM: HRCH Moe's Sweet Water Lacy DAM: Ms Chief Double Troublemaker DAM: My Grand Daddy Was A Pistol MH DAM: My Grandaddy Was A Pistol DAM: My Only Mink DAM: Oakhill Lily DAM: Pepper Kade Midnight DAM: Revilo's Plum Point Indekater MH DAM: Rip's Rippin Blue Warhawk DAM: Riparian Powder Keg DAM: Riptide Star One Shot Puddin DAM: HRCH Rogue River Katie of Westwind DAM: Rogue River Katy Of Westwind DAM: Ruckuses Carolina Princess DAM: Running W's Macalena JH DAM: Southwinds Cool Breeze SH DAM: Steel Magnolia Double O Nothin DAM: Steele Magnolia Double'o Nothin DAM: FC AFC Sumac's Elvira DAM: Topbrass Ms Teq DAM: Trollgaard's Ma Mandy DAM: Trumarc's Bottoms UP DAM: FC AFC Trumarc's Too Hot To Handle DAM: VINWOOD'S HR. VICTORY PRANCE *** DAM: HR Warhawk's Tiny Blazin' Tike DAM: HR Warhawks Big River Bunny DAM: Westwinds Misty Morning

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