Genetic Pedigree of Daydream's Akhira Takara Oneandonly / Genetic Pedigree of Daydream's Akhira Takara Oneandonly

AMCH, GCH, CH Day Dream's High Stakes ( UNKN )

CH Day Dream's Encore ( UNKN )
BISS CH CKC CH Excaliburs Atomic Playboy ( UNKN )
AKC & CKC CH Regalia Darqknight Excalibur ( UNKN )
CH Carousel's Jagged Edge ( UNKN )
 CH Sho N Tel's Amazing Mazy Yea ( UNKN )
AMCH Hoka-hey's Mesquite ( UNKN )
Sho N Tel's Sienna ( UNKN )
  Namika's I Walk Alone ( UNKN )
 CH AKC Nimika's Totally Shameless ( UNKN )
CH AKC Mariah's Diligent Wise One ( UNKN )
Toshimi's Touch Of Fire ( UNKN )
Coyotetrailbreakinboundaries ( UNKN )
CDNCH Orients Pride Rude Dog'shamar ( UNKN )
Goshen's Fire N'ice ( UNKN )

AMCH,CH Day Dream's American Baby ( UNKN )

AMCH CDNCH Beardusk's United We Stand ( UNKN )
AMCH CDNCH Kawakami's Czar Nicholas ( UNKN )
CH. AM. CAN. Northland's Shere Khan Of Sdm ( UNKN )
CDNCH Kawakami's O-mi-kami Mikomi ( UNKN )
CDNCH Serdess Smoking Sillouette Bd ( UNKN )
AMCH CDNCH Prosho's Dash For Cash ( UNKN )
Serdess Cristal Pal Ace O'bj ( UNKN )
AMCH Sho N Tel's Mighty Mikida ( UNKN )
AMCH Hoka-hey's Mesquite ( UNKN )
AMCH Brook Staten Koshare Hoka Hey ( UNKN )
AMCH Crown Royal's Light At Hoka-Hey ( UNKN )
Sho N Tel's Sienna ( UNKN )
Sho N Tel's Jenuine Investment ( UNKN )
Sho N Tel's Flairessence ( UNKN )

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR