/ Genetic Pedigree of Kingsland Bill Of Claddagh |
Sire: Kingsland's Rocky Top MH ( CHOC ) Hips: LR-146415E24M-PI (Excellent) Elbows: LR-EL24530M24-VPI (Normal) Eyes: LR-40417 (Normal) EIC: LR-EIC649/77M-VPI (Clear) |
FC Nan-Dool Elwood Blues ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-73378G27M (Good) Eyes: LR-23030N (Normal) |
FC AFC River Oaks Way-Da-Go Rocky ( BLK ) (B-YC)
Hips: OFA24G (Good) Eyes: LR-7545 (Normal) |
FC AFC Canis Major's River Bear ( BLK ) (B-YC)
Hips: LR-9150 (Normal) |
Timberlane Samantha ( BLK ) (B-C)
Hips: LR-21091 (EXCELLENT) |
FC AFC Echos Triple Ruff N Ready ( BLK ) (B-C)
Hips: LR-22919 |
FC AFC Volwood's Ruff And Reddy (2000 Hall of Fame) ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-9844 |
Haverhill's Archer's Red Echo ( CHOC )
Shetobys Northern Calypso ( CHOC )
CFC CAFC Bigvalley's Costa-lot-shadow ( CHOC )
FTCH AFTCH Pachanga Magnum Force ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-35856G24M (GOOD) Eyes: LR-6602 (clear) |
Cancheck Skookum Tamarack Girl WCX ( BLK )
Sweet Six ( BLK )
Southwind's Fancy Free ( BLK )
Dam: Kingsland's Shell-Be For Birds ( CHOC ) Hips: LR-113819E25F-PI (Excellent) Elbows: LR-EL12880F25-PI (Normal) Eyes: LR-28020 (Normal) |
Kingsland-Trout Kodi MH QAA ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-81183G24M-T (Good) Elbows: LR-EL7217M39-T (Normal) Eyes: LR-22670 (Normal) |
Gator PT Mick Dundee MH ( CHOC )
Hips: OFA24E Elbows: OFEL24 |
FC Mueller's Stormy Canada ( CHOC ) (C-Y)
Hips: LR-14631 (Good) |
Gator Point's Lena Lou ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-27642G34F (GOOD) Eyes: LR-2632 |
Ginger Rootbeer ( UNKN )
Jake Iv Lambert ( UNKN )
Schiller's Rebecka Boone ( UNKN )
Marauder's Hidden Jewel JH WC ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-97893G28F-T (Good) Elbows: LR-EL8732F28-T (Normal) Eyes: LR-22913 (Normal) |
Hips: LR-43125G31M (Good) |
CNAFC CFC FC AFC Aces High III (1998 Hall of Fame) ( BLK ) (B-C)
Hips: LR-26588G24M (Good) Eyes: LR-2917 (Normal) EIC: (CARRIER) |
Wilhelmina Camay Bell ( BLK )
Kingsland Sheisa Sheila SH ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-53047G26F-T (Good) Elbows: LR-EL2253F45-T (Normal) Eyes: LR-8222 (Normal) |
Gator PT Mick Dundee MH ( CHOC )
Hips: OFA24E Elbows: OFEL24 |
Kingsland Noble Torianna JH ( CHOC )
Hips: OA24G Elbows: OFEL41 |
Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR