/ Genetic Pedigree of Pedal To The Medal |
Sire: Timberdoodle's Smokey MH ( BLK ) |
FC AFC Coreychad's Bluenorth Axle ( BLK )
Hips: LR-68136G37M |
FC-AFC Sky Watch Radar ( BLK )
Hips: LR-20969-Good Eyes: LR-4736 |
FC-AFC Wanapum Sky Shooter ( BLK )
Full A Malarky ( BLK )
Bluenorth's Texas Twister QAA ( YLW )
Hips: LR-37541G42F-Good |
FC AFC Stone's Throw Marion's Choice (2004 Hall Of Fame) ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-17399 |
AFC Black Gold's Candlewood Kate ( YLW )
Hips: LR-13552 (GOOD) |
Cambelltown Fan Dance MH ( BLK )
FC AFC Trumarcs Candlewood Lota Zip ( BLK )
Hips: LR-44449G24M |
FC-AFC Trumarc's Ziparoo ( BLK )
Hips: LR-34182G24M (Good) |
1990 1991 & 1993 NFC- FC-AFC Candlewood's Tanks A Lot (1997 Retriever Hall Of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-33631G27F (Good) |
Campbelltown Sparkle And Shine ( BLK )
FC AFC Candlewoods M D Houston (1996 Hall of Fame) ( YLW )
Hips: LR-23538G24M (Good) |
Lawdy Miss Clawdy ( BLK )
Dam: Four Star Molly MH ( BLK ) |
'03 NFC AFC FC Five Star General Patton ( BLK ) (B-NHC)
Hips: LR-97095G24M-T -(GOOD) Elbows: LR-EL23740M87-PI (NORMAL) Eyes: LR-34816 (CLEAR) |
2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-46627G24M (Good) Eyes: LR-6972/2001--126 |
1987 CNFC 1992 CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech ( YLW ) (Y-B)
Hips: LR-22799-T (Good) |
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QAA ( BLK )
Hips: LR-21503-T (EXCELLENT) |
HRCH Dust Devil's Desert Duk MH *** ( BLK )
Hips: LR-52382G27F-T(GOOD) Elbows: LR-EL979F27-T (NORMAL) Eyes: LR-8112/1993--27 (CLEAR) |
Hips: LR-33871G26M (GOOD) Eyes: LR-4249/1993--65 (CLEAR) |
Dust Devil's Trieven Tako ( BLK )
Hips: LR-36721G24F(Good) Eyes: LR-3415/1994--75 (NORMAL) |
Candlewoods Big Splash ( YLW )
'98 NFC-FC-AFC Abe's Ebony and Ivory ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-71432G32M (GOOD) Elbows: OFEL84 Eyes: LR-16349 CNM: Clear PIV |
FC-AFC Webshire's Honest Abe (2003 Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-39863G24M (Good) Elbows: LR-EL3337M84 (Normal) Eyes: LR-10216 (Normal) |
Zip's Magic Marking Ink QAA ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-41449G26F |
Candlewood's High Hope ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-85660G24F-T |
FC-AFC Wilderness Harley To Go (2003 Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-19528 (GOOD) Eyes: LR-1930/1995--145 (NORMAL) |
Candlewoods Nota Penny More ( BLK )
Hips: LR-44666G25F Eyes: LR-10837 |
Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR