Genetic Pedigree of Ch Mailiksen Gentleman / Genetic Pedigree of Ch Mailiksen Gentleman

Fin. Swe Ch Strongline`s Eternal Flame ( YLW )

INT CH Tawastway's Fooling Around ( YLW )
INT CH Strongline's Flame Of Fame ( YLW )
Ch Sprusehill's Bondera ( YLW )
Ch Applehill's Mayday ( YLW )
 CH Mistmoor's Bland Baker ( YLW )
Strongline's Meet Me Michael ( YLW )
Hesta (<1991) ( YLW )
 Ch Strongline's Jolly Known ( BLK ) (B-Y)
 CH Graemoor Tim CD JH ( BLK )
Hips: LR-49819E24M
Eyes: LR-7820/2000-114
CH Marshland Blitz ( BLK )
Hips: LR-25371G41M
CH Graemoor Tanqueray ( YLW )
INT Ch Strongline's Ever Known ( YLW )
Ch Santtomin Epatoivo ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Ch Applehill's Mayday ( YLW )

Ch Mailiksen Lumikki ( YLW )

Multi CH Nord TR CH FIN FT CH DC Biggas Ynga ( YLW )
FIN SHCH Eaton's Minstrel ( YLW )
Minnows Winter Whizz ( YLW )
Eatons Hang On Me ( YLW )
FIN CH Artistico Giuliette ( YLW )
Fin CH/SHCH Fagelangens Hawker Hunter ( YLW )
Kamitan Desibeli ( YLW )
Mailiksen Villi-ruusu ( YLW )
Mellows Fieldmaster ( YLW )
Mellows Ringmaster ( YLW )
Roseacre Silver Gilt ( YLW )
Ch Mailiksen Milk And Honey ( YLW )
Hirsipirtin Q-Makoira ( YLW )
FTCH Rosanan Taste Of Honey ( YLW )

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR