/ Genetic Pedigree of Backwood's Dux N' Cover Of Earthsea |
Dam: Windswept Kut In Stone To Earthsea ( BLK ) (B-C) Hips: Excellent Elbows: Normal Eyes: Normal |
GRCH CH Glacieridge's King Of Country ( CHOC )
Hips: OFA24F Elbows: OFEL24 |
MBISS AmGCHG Epoch's Moccasin Joe ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-203578G24M-VPI (Good) Elbows: LR-EL58969M24-VPI (Normal) Eyes: LR-EYE13755/72M-VPI (Normal) |
MBISS GCH CH Quail Chase Broadway Joe Windfall ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-185831F26M-VPI (Fair) Elbows: LR-EL46221M25-VPI (Normal) Eyes: LR-54640 (Normal) |
Epoch's Treasure ( CHOC )
Hips: OFA24E Elbows: OFEL24 |
CH Glacieridge Tabatha's Aggy THD CGCA CGCU THN ( CHOC )
Hips: OFA26E Elbows: OFEL26 |
MBISS AmGCH/CH Big Skys Stone Kutter ( BLK ) (B-C)
Hips: LR-166583G118M-VPI (Good) Elbows: LR-EL33672M24-PI (Normal) Eyes: LR-46930 (Clear/Normal) EIC: LR-EIC806/57M-VPI (Clear) |
CH Tabatha's Harmony ( BLK )
Hips: OFA24E Elbows: OFEL24 |
Windswept I’m So Glad I’m Irish ( UNKN )
CH Stoneleigh’s Cool Coal Man ( BLK )
MBISS CH Big Sky's Stone Kutter ( BLK )
Hips: LR-166583G118M-VPI (Good) Elbows: LR-EL33672M24-VPI (Normal) Eyes: LR-EYE4884/137M-VPI (Normal w/ Breeder Option) CNM: LR-CNM1009/94M-VPI (Clear) EIC: LR-EIC806/57M-VPI (Clear) |
Stoneleighs Laughing Look ( UNKN )
Windswept Cinnamon Twist ( CHOC )
BISS AmCH Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH WC ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-167644G24M-PI (Good) Elbows: LR-EL35082M24-PI (Clear) Eyes: LR-44479 (Clear) EIC: DDC#20230 (Clear) |
Mapletree Windswept Splendor ( UNKN )
Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR