Genetic Pedigree of CHSD Rpm's Blonde Bombshell UWP FTN / Genetic Pedigree of CHSD Rpm's Blonde Bombshell UWP FTN

FTCH Stauntonvale Moose Milk ( UNKN )

FTCH Kestrelway Freddie ( UNKN )
FTCh Waterford Fergus ( UNKN )
IGL FTCH Willowyck Ruff ( BLK )
FTCH Waterford Covey ( BLK )
 FTW Nobsquinton India Of Kestrelway ( UNKN )
FTCH Mansengreen Diesel Of Birdsgreen ( BLK )
Nobsquinton Lily ( UNKN )
 FTCH Stauntonvale Fastnet ( UNKN )
 FTCH Eastdale Harry ( YLW ) (Y-B)
Eyes: Hereditary Clear
CNM: Hereditary Clear
EIC: Hereditary Clear
FTCH Greenbriar Viper Of Drakeshead ( BLK )
FTW Daughting Dulcie Of Eastdale ( UNKN )
FTCh Jobeshill Lotta Of Stauntonvale ( UNKN )
NORD JCH FTW Tasco Brimstone ( YLW )
Collaroybanks Willow ( UNKN )

Sallino Mia ( UNKN )

IR FTCh Drumgoose Ironman ( YLW )
FTCH Levenghyl Malusi ( BLK )
NORD JCH FTW Tasco Brimstone ( YLW )
Levenghyl Midge ( UNKN )
INT FTCH Newcam Boss ( YLW )
FTCH Marranscar Blackcap ( BLK )
Smirnoff Teal ( YLW )
Dunamoira Imogen ( UNKN )
FTCH Broadlaw Fitz ( UNKN )
FTCH Copperbirch Paddy Of Leadburn ( YLW )
Hips: Hip Score 3/3
Hillus Iona ( UNKN )
FTW Mountwillow Ruby of Dunamoira ( UNKN )
FTCH Astraglen Fergie ( BLK )
Dunamoira Gwen Of Copperbirch ( UNKN )

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR