Genetic Pedigree of Admiral Jackson Butler / Genetic Pedigree of Admiral Jackson Butler

Big Rigg Briggs MH, QAA ( BLK )

Hips: LR-233916G27M-NOPI (GOOD)
Elbows: LR-EL84125M27-NOPI (NORMAL)
GRHRCH Roux's Special Chivas MH ( BLK ) (B-C)
Hips: LR-175717G25M-PI (Good)
Elbows: LR-EL39752M25-PI (Normal)
EIC: Normal
3x GRHRCH UH Dakota's Cajun Roux MH ( CHOC )
Hips: LR-143606G24M-PI (Good)
Eyes: LR-44287
13x GRHRCH Missy's Cajun Dakota MH, 2018 UKC Hall of Fame ( BLK ) (B-YC)
Hips: LR-73346E24M (Excellent)
HRCH Gabbie's Star of Bessie ( BLK ) (B-C)
 HRCH Pistol Packing Mama IV MH ( BLK )
Hips: LR-133815G25F-NOPI (Good)
FC AFC Fordland's Bored Out Ford (2011 Hall of Fame) ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-97161G24M-T (Good)
HRCH Southern Miss Magnolia ( BLK ) (B-C)
  Sld's Patton's Hammerin' Riley MH ( BLK )
  Patton's Tank Brigade MH ( BLK )
'03 NFC AFC FC Five Star General Patton ( BLK )
Hips: LR-97095G24M-T -(GOOD)
Elbows: LR-EL23740M87-PI (NORMAL)
Eyes: LR-34816 (CLEAR)
Biggun's One Way Ticket JH ( BLK )
Jenuwine Joy On Golden Iles ( BLK )
Hips: LR-154137E54F-PI
Elbows: LR-EL28061F54-PI
Counte On Me MH ( BLK )
Hips: LR-97045G40M
Dunbar By The Sea ( BLK )

Bella Girl Tarrants ( CHOC ) (C-Y)

Hips: LR-227196G53F-NOPI
Elbows: LR-EL78390F53-NOPI
Nana’s Pistol Pete ( UNKN )
Charm’s Duck-n-biscuit ( UNKN )
CH Charm's Dancing To The Music ( YLW )
Hips: OFA25G
Elbows: OFEL25
Ryan’s Good Gollie Miss Mollie ( UNKN )
Lewis’s Action Jackson ( UNKN )
Johns Hershey Girl ( UNKN )
Raven’s Moon Duvall ( UNKN )
Skeeter Galye Zeilstra ( UNKN )
George Deleno ( UNKN )
Abbie Sue ( UNKN )
Millie Zeilstra ( UNKN )
Baders Yellow Clay ( UNKN )
Dutches Goldie Caramel ( UNKN )

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR