Genetic Pedigree of Gings Supa Freak Swim Straight Nemo / Genetic Pedigree of Gings Supa Freak Swim Straight Nemo

HRCH Gings Supa Freak Goose ( BLK )

Hips: LR-231232G24M-NOPI
Elbows: LR-EL94791M50-NOPI
Eyes: LR-EYE14240/25M-NOPI
HRCH Saratoga Wingate Cooper ( BLK )
HRCH Saratoga Slim Pickins SH ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-115999G25M-NOP
Topbrass Torro MH ( BLK )
Diamond P Lean Maxxine MH ( YLW )
Hips: LR-81450E25F
  Little B's Im So Fine JH ( BLK )
FC AFC Fox Hollow's Little Buddy ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-66674G
Eyes: LR-16630
Topbrass Little Annie ( BLK )
Hips: LR-113116G24F-PI (GOOD)
  Erl's Wingate Rue ( BLK )
  Wild Wings Have No Forgiveness QAA ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-171931E24M-PI (Excellent)
Elbows: LR-EL37515M24-PI
Eyes: LR-50457
CNM: LR-CNM06-859-M-PI
FC AFC Nick Of Time Lone Ranger (2015 Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-134506G44M-NOPI (Good)
Elbows: LR-EL19724M44-NOPI (Normal)
Eyes: LR-40770
CNM: (Clear)
EIC: (Clear)
Keep De'tails Up MH QAA ( BLK )
Hips: LR-152081G54F-PI (Good)
Eyes: LR-43546
Indian Creek Raven Mcbunn SH ( BLK )
FC AFC FTCH AFTCH Tiger Mcbunn ( BLK ) (B-YC)
Hips: LR-110631G37M (Good)
Eyes: LR-18909 (Normal)
CNM: (Clear)
EIC: LR-EIC814/144M-VPI (Normal)
Grassy Creek Casey MH MH4 ( YLW )
Hips: LR-92578G24F-T

Wingate Remi ( YLW )

Hips: LR-242273G24F-NOPI
Elbows: LR-EL91570F24-NOPI
Eyes: LR-EYE18013/25F-NOPI
FC AFC Yellowstone's TNT Explosion JH ( YLW )
Hips: LR-76158G29M-T (Good)
Elbows: LR-EL9185M59-T (Normal)
Eyes: LR-16657 (Clear)
FC AFC Gunstock's Lethal Weapon ( YLW )
Hips: LR-42209G30M (GOOD)
Eyes: LR-3708 (Tested: 90)
1989 CNFC 1990 CNAFC FC AFC The Marathon Man (1993 Hall of Fame) ( YLW ) (Y-B)
Hips: LR-18193 (NORMAL)
Eyes: LR-4091
Nelson's Scotch and Water *** ( YLW )
Hips: LR-29592G37F (GOOD)
NAHRA-MHR/WR Moon River's Cash Kate's Choice ( YLW )
Hips: LR-31808F
Eyes: LR-14552
FC AFC Stone's Throw Marion's Choice (2004 Hall Of Fame) ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-17399
AFC Black Gold's Candlewood Kate ( YLW )
Hips: LR-13552 (GOOD)
Elite's Flippin The Lean Grade JH ( YLW )
Hips: LR-207736G27F-NOPI (GOOD)
Elbows: LR-EL62267F27-NOPI (NORMAL)
Eyes: CAER - Normal
CNM: Clear (Normal)
EIC: Clear (Normal)
'11 NAFC FC AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-159258G4M-PI (Good)
Elbows: LR-EL30615M24-PI (Normal)
Eyes: LR-52237 (Normal)
FC AFC Code Blue (2000 Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-65244G60M (EXCELLENT)
Ms Lean Mac'ce QAA ( BLK )
Hips: LR-106035E31F (EXCELLENT)
Eyes: LR-33975 (Normal)
Weezer's Fabulous Ruby JH ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-188479E26F-VPI (EXCELLENT)
Elbows: LR-EL47958F26-VPI (NORMAL)
FC AFC Weezer Retreezer ( BLK )
Hips: LR-142864G27M-NOPI (GOOD)
Elbows: LR-EL23046M27-NOPI (NORMAL)
Eyes: LR-EYE4109/147M-VPI
'09 NFC FC Mioak's Fabulous Flipper ( BLK )
Hips: LR-169827G50F-PI (GOOD)
Elbows: LR-EL36307F50-PI (NORMAL)
Eyes: LR-51640/2007--51 (CLEAR)

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR