Genetic Pedigree of Mossbroom Sniffer / Genetic Pedigree of Mossbroom Sniffer

Just Like Heaven ( UNKN )

Glentika Lad Ft.W. ( YLW )
FTCH Glencoin Drummer Of Drakeshead ( UNKN )
FTCH Drakeshead Tasker ( YLW )
FTCH Glencion Daffodil ( YLW )
  Wyberslegh Tika Ft.W. ( BLK )
Beachcomber Boy ( BLK )
Cedars End Jess ( UNKN )
  Kirkderra Lass Ft.W. ( BLK )
 GB FTCH IR FTCH Ben Neagh ( BLK )
FTCH Meadowbrae Widgeon ( BLK )
Glenloch Teal ( UNKN )
Brookwood Ivy Ft.W. ( BLK )
INT FTCH IRISH CH Leacross Rinkals ( BLK )
Derramore Thatch ( UNKN )

FTW Broadbank Black Maria ( BLK )

GB Ft.Ch. Theoweir Turramura Teal ( YLW )
FTW Ballyellery Adder ( BLK )
FTCH Raybank Asp ( BLK )
FTCH Bellamont Orchid ( BLK )
FTCH 4TH IRISH CH Towerline Swift ( UNKN )
FTCH Meadowbrae Widgeon ( BLK )
FTCH Hifield Kite ( BLK )
GB Ft.Ch. Broadville Cath ( UNKN )
Ciarog Dubh ( BLK )
FTCH Pocklington Glen ( BLK )
FTCH Drakeshead Wisp ( BLK )
FTCH Drakeshead Connie ( UNKN )
FTCH Drakeshead Tinker ( UNKN )
Derwentside Shadow ( UNKN )

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR