/ Genetic Pedigree of Roxy's Gimme Nuther Biskit |
Sire: GMPR Duke's True Grit SH ( BLK ) Hips: LR-148177G27M-PI Elbows: LR-EL25338M27-PI Eyes: LR-41387 |
GMPR Grits of Black Forest SH (APLA Hall of Fame) ( YLW )
Hips: LR-79292G24M Eyes: LR-14502 |
APLA CP Minn Horse and Hunt Club Thor (APLA Hall of Fame) ( YLW )
Hips: OFA26G |
IPLA RP Full Choke of Chub Lake ( BLK ) (B-Y)
Hips: LR-23006 |
Duches of Lake Nokomis ( BLK )
CP Sugars Golden Canyon ( YLW )
Hips: OFA24E |
MR C O D ( BLK )
GMPR Killarney Kate II ( BLK )
Hips: LR-83589E26F (Excellent) |
GMPR Gumbo of Black Forest MH (APLA Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-66918G36M Eyes: LR-10520 |
AFC Trieven Twist And Shout MH (APLA Hall of Fame) ( BLK )
Hips: LR-36876F32M |
Hips: LR-56690E31F |
GMPR Smokin Annie Oakly ( BLK )
Hips: LR-61737G33F (Good) Eyes: LR-12784 (Clear) |
GMPR Sir Hershey Of Surrey (APLA Hall of Fame) ( CHOC ) (C-Y)
Hips: LR-26021G24M - GOOD Eyes: LR-7004 |
Hot Pursuits Black Pearl ( BLK )
Hips: LR-33870F30F (Fair) |
Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Lab database is shown. Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below. NEW: Color factor is now being shown. NHC means NO HIDDEN COLOR